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Monday, July 10, 2006

Missing Person

Another question in me
One for the powers that be
Its got me thrown and so
I put on my poker face
And try to figure it out
This undeniable doubt
A common occurrence
Feeling so out of place

Guarded and cynical now
Cant help but wondering how
My heart evolved into a
Rock beating inside of me
So I reel, such a stoic ordeal
Wheres that feeling that I dont feel?

There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain
And like a child he would believe without a reason
Without a trace he disappeared into the void and
Ive been searching for that missing person

Under a lavender moon
So many thoughts consume me
Who dimmed that glowing light
That once burned so bright in me
Is this a radical phase
A problematical age
That keeps me running
From all that I used to be

Is there a way to return
Is there a way to unlearn
That carnal knowledge
Thats chipping away at my soul
Ive been gone too long
Will I ever find my way home?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Breaking Night

This is my 32nd hour without sleep. Last night I worked from 3 till 11 and then headed off to my friend Lars' party in Bushwick. Spent the whole night talking, having water balloon fights, drinking absynthe and just chilling on his rooftop. The sun came up and I went back to work.

It was one of the worst days aever at AMR. Fucking crazy... no units and angry people all over the place.

I'm at John's crib now and we're about to head out to meet up with Spin and Moe to watch the fireworks in Greenpoint.

Ok Bye. I'm tired.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Saving Dre Day

What a freakin' night.

Today was Dre's birthday and he was supposed to play a show with his band, Burning The Memory, at Wild Spirits in the city. It was also Figgy's birthday, he was one of the dispatchers at my job and he was having a big party as well.

The original plan for the night had been that we'd go to Dre's show and then head out to Figgy's birthday bash at The China Club for a little while before meeting up with Dre again.

We'll... none of that happened.

Nick, the band's singer, got sick and they had to cancel the show. Dre was pretty bummed out about that so we decided to save Dre's day.

After much debate on what to do in honor of Dre, we decided we'd go bowling and then head out to Sal's house to finish off the night. We went over to Whitestone lanes, and while at the bowling alley, Kiko called and said he was at Wild Spirits.

Whoops. I kinda forgot to tell him that the show had been cancelled.

We decided to meet up at Main Street and then go to Sal's house. We waited for my bro Kiko at the M Lounge and it was then we realized that we could have gone there since the beginning, since Dre wouldn't get carded because my boss owns the freakin' bar. Duh.

The first thing Mike says to me when I walk in is, "You fall again and you're fucking dead." LMAO. He was madd cool though, he took care of Dre. Free beer and a round of Patron for all.

Well after waiting about an hour and a half with no call from my bro, we decided to just go to Sal's. We stopped at Taco Bell on the way and Saltzman almost killed the drive-thru clerk for getting the order wrong. Once at Sal's we had fun just telling stories, drinking, and smoking hookah.

Kiko finally called around 2:45 to say he was at Woodside. He sounded madd drunk, so Mando and I went to go pick him up. When we got back to Sal's we had two drunk Barbosa's, since Tommy and Fern had gotten Dre all messed up.

We left shortly afterwards to drop Rachel off and then Dre, Kiko, and I went driving around Long Island to let them sober up. We ended up at the Freeport Nautical Mile where Dre tried to pee on the ducks and Kiko did silly dances to a Nina Sky song.

On the way back home Dre got sick and he puked in front of the Freeport Public Library. It was one of the funniest things i ever saw in my life.

Dre says, "I gotta puke."

Kiko responds, "Aiight, kid! Let's do it!" and pops his door open and starts making himself gag.

Dre starts puking and then Kiko finally makes himself puke just a little bit and says, "Oh lookie, I made three little puke spots!"

We leave and then Dre pukes again in front of some store on Sunrise Highway while NC Police watched us from across the road. We jetted and continued on home.

Kiko insisted on White Castle so we stopped by while Dre slept in the car.

On the final stretch home, Dre starts making puking noises again and instead of opening the door he rolls down the window, but only halfway and pukes all over the inside of my car.

Kiko, instead of helping the situation starts making fake puking noises to try to make Dre wanna puke more and I turn around and see Dre puke all over my window and door again.

So, now I'm upset and I pull into the parking lot by the Malverne Rail and start cleaning the mess with my car wipes, while wearing a pair of latex gloves and using my pen light in order to see better.

Well... as luck would have it, Malverne PD rolls up on us and we look like the guys in Pulp Fiction who had just accidentally shot the nigger in the head. I freeze as the cop shines his spotlight on me and says, "What are you doing?"

I turn around, hands to my side and respond, "Cleaning Puke."

"You been drinking?"

"No, sir, not I."

"You're the driver?"

"Yes, sir." as I turn around an continue cleaning.

"Where do you live?"

"Here in Malverne," I respond as I bend down to wipe up some puke on the side of the chair.

"You always carry those gloves around with you?"

I hold up my hands and respond, "Yeah, actually, I do."

He looks around and ponders for a second and asks, "You almost done?"

"Yes, sir, 5 more minutes."

"Ok... don't leave a mess," and drive's off.

Lazy ass cop. He should gotten out and checked us out. I could been lying.

What a freaking night. Well, at least Dre had fun. I'm gonna have to teach him about throwing up from inside cars though. Maybe Salty can give him some pointers.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Health Insurance... Yeah Ok...

You know, when you pay for health insurance, you kind of expect to have your medical needs covered when the need arises, right? Well apparently, that's not the case, since I'm looking at a bill for $1,095.37! Idiots.

In other news, my day was alright. Got a lot of work done. Got in around 11:40 AM and left after 10 PM. Mike wants me to start learning to dispatch. He want to use me as a fill-in dispatcher and have me cover an overnight tour, either on Friday or Saturday. Oh, well there goes the rest of my life. LOL. He said he'll take me off the Friday evening OPS tour... whatever. It's not like I have a girl, a wife or a family that will object. Might as well do it while I'm single. My friends and I will just rearrange our hanging schedules. LOL. It's sad how I have no life and spend all my time at work. I mean I have friends and we hang on the weekends but when you really think about it... I don't have much of a life. I go to work, and I come home.

Cindy's birthday is coming up. That's gonna be fun. I gotta pick up her gift soon or knowing myself I will wait to the last minute and not find what I'm looking for. Everyone is pretty psyched about Crime Scene Bar. Chea, kid.

Nothing else to report.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snowy Weekend

It was your average Friday night, or was it? Howard was out cold, a lot earlier than usual. Empty White Castle boxes were strewn about and Saltzman hadn't eaten any White Castle this evening. Spin had driven herself over this time, and Fig was watching movies on a portable DVD player. There was no beer for the first Friday night ever.

No, it wasn't a regular friday at all. Suddenly, there was too much blue on the screen for comfort. 3 emergency calls. One in the Bronx. One in Brooklyn. One in Flushing. I had just worked a nine-hour tour in operations, but duty called. I glanced at Saltzman and with a slight nod of my head it was clear that he and I would ride again. Just like the good old days.

It had been months since I had been on an emergency call, and upon entering the elderly woman's home, my anxiety built up as I saw her laying in her bed gasping for breath. For about 10 seconds I wasn't exactly sure what to do. That's when Saltzman tossed his stethoscope and blood pressure cuff at me.

Forty-five minutes later we stood on 77th Street smoking a cigarette and kicking ourselves for being so rusty. Some drunk guy was roaming around trying to find York Avenue. I took a deep breath and remembered how much I missed late nights in the city.

The next day I woke up in the afternoon. It was already snowing. I drove Dre and Tim to The Hook for their meeting with the festival organizers. We finally got a date for the show, March 26, 2006. After that I dropped Dre and Tim in Downtown Brooklyn, since they needed to go to SAE for a recording session.

Drove out to Greenpoint, picked up Spin and then got the Deener. We were a bit hungry so we went looking for Colombian food. We settled for Ecuadorian. The food was horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Stopped by to visit Magda and rediscovered my old friend Stolichnaya. The snow was building up faster as the night progressed, so we departed shortly after midnight. Nadine had her first true country music experience, and that Rascal Flatts song might have hit a little too close to the heart.

Picked up Dre in Jackson Heights and we drove home at 20 miles per hour, and still managed to spin out on the Cross Island Parkway. I can't stand snow. It's beautiful, but very impractical. I stared at the median helplessly as we slipped on black ice and finally regaining control just inches from impact. Dre stared ahead blankly as if to say, "Dude... that was close."

I hope the snow's cleaned up enough for me to get to work tomorrow; I hate staying at home for no good reason.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'll Take The Blue Pill, Morpheus...

I woke up staring into my pillow. It took about half a second to realize what had happened and where I was. I felt my throat tight and my stomach turn. It wasn't true. Any of it. It had all been another brilliantly fabricated dream. I dug my face into my pillow and let out a few sobs.

I had experienced one of the happiest moments of my life just minutes earlier, or had I? It all had felt so real. The emptiness I now felt had me considering going back to sleep to make the pain go away. What would the purpose be? Go back to sleep only to wake up and cry over her again later. No. It would be an endless self-imposed paradox of pain.

I turned over and stared at the ceiling. I fought back the tears and forced myself out of bed. I felt like I had just lost my mother. I felt like my dog had died. I felt like my best friend had just told me she had terminal cancer. I felt like I had just lost the woman of my dreams. Oh wait, I had just lost the woman of my dreams... by waking up.


I'll see you in my dreams, my love. I'll be waiting, for the day when dreams may become reality. And in the words of Brad Paisley, "Honey, take your time, cause I don't mind, waitin' on a woman."

Friday, February 10, 2006

BTM Advances to Quarter-Finals

Attention, please. I have a request of all of you.

My brother's band, Burning The Memory has advanced to the quarter-finals in the Emergenza Music Festival. In order to advance to the semi-finals, they will need a large turnout to come to the show and vote for them so that they can continue. The show will take place in March, but it may very possibly be a 21 & Over Show, and unfortuneatley, their fan base is primarily 18 - 20. I know most of you are not into metal music, but they need our help, so what do you say, public? Let me know if you're down to help a very talented band possibly score a record deal. As soon as we know the show date, I will post it up. Invite your friends and tell them to invite their freinds. The show will be at The Hook in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Thanks!

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